Hello, Blog World!
Today I am making a promise to myself and few (but loyal) readers. I vow to blog more. The truth is, I like to write on/in this thing and it helps me relax. Plus, it's a good way to pretend like I have a life. Ha.
Today is Friday and it has seemed like a very long week. Lots of snow, lots of work and lots of boredom all mixed in to one. As happy as I am being back in the ICA (Iowa City Area, for those of you who aren't hip to the lingo) there are some points in the day that I miss Missouri & especially my friends.
My most recent frustration/moment of regret has been the apartment/condo search and should I buy/should I rent question. There are three things that my next apartment/condo/etc. must have:
- A washer and dryer. Or hook-ups. Or someway to wash my clothes without using the same machines as everyone else in the building/complex. Because a) quarters are too hard to come by when you never carry cash. An b) washing my clothes in the same place as everyone else?! Gross. Grody. Disgusting in every way. I also have been lugging my clothes all over town to do laundry since my sophomore year of college - aka for about two and a half years now. Okay, so technically I don't anymore...
- A double sink. I don't even need a dishwasher - as long as I can put my dish drying rack in the sink instead of taking up the little counter space an apartment/condo usually comes with! Although, if it comes with number 1, chances are pretty good it will have a dishwasher. I don't even mind doing dishes by hand! I just want two sinks to do so in!
- Pet friendly. Not just pet friendly - dog friendly. Not that I will be getting a dog as soon as I move in, but having a chance to do so - maybe - would be nice. It doesn't have to allow big dogs either, because I want a little snuggle buddy. This probably the least important, thus number three and I can easily accept that it might not happen.
Does that seem like too much to ask? It really isn't the problem. The problem is that Iowa City is so DARN expensive. (If you are reading this and living in an apartment in Iowa City that is reasonable priced or know someone who is, please leave me a comment so I can be less frustrated!) And I don't really want to live with a stranger - so don't say that I should get a roommate. I would just rather live by myself. I have been since December 2007...and that has made me realize it is just easier when everything is the way I want. (And I have been through enough roommate drama in the year and a half that I had them to last me a life time.)
It isn't urgent that I move out, (Thanks, MOM!) but I am feeling a little bit of pressure. Although living with the 'rents has been nice, I know that they liked having this big, freezing house to themselves a lot more than putting up with me. I am trying to be a good housemate - but I know that when I am sitting on the couch with them they would probably rather I wasn't. It's okay - I understand. I would much rather be able to watch all the shows I used to watch and eat my pasta in my own living room. It's just a fact that we should both acknowledge.
Any suggestions on this topic - PLEASE help.
Tonight I did something that I'm a little bit proud of. In an effort to make friends, I joined MeetUP and forced myself to join two groups: 20/30 something girls group and a young professionals group of Iowa City. I feel like I should probably talk to people outside of work and it would be nice to spend a Friday night with a group of friends rather than my parents. So, the first meeting I'll be attending (unless I talk myself out of it and get nervous) is at a local sushi restaurant. And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE sushi. It seems like a good chance to meet people. I am hoping that the me that forced herself to go to yoga will show up in January, too. I probably won't meet people by shopping at Von Maur every weekend - it is time to be proactive rather than sitting on the couch.
Let's see, what else? My amazing grandfather returned from Africa today. I am so proud of him - helping little babies learn to walk is a great thing. Don't know what I'm talking about? Google Ponsetti International. Do it. NOW!
I still like my job. Except that I sit right next to the door and it is officially winter in Iowa. But God created space heaters, and for this I am grateful. Things are going to get very busy, very soon. I can't wait! We will be opening officially as Zephyr Weddings on January 5th. Game day. (Literally, GO HAWKS!)
Christmas is just around the corner. Goal for the weekend: accomplish as much of the shopping as possible. As well as come up with a fun way to wrap all the presents. That is a lot of work when I think about it. The funny thing is, I am more excited for this Christmas than last year. I have decided that it is because I haven't been looking at Christmas merch since July like I was last year. It is a nice feeling. The other reason that it could be is because my lovely grandparents are building a new house. This will be the last Christmas in my grandparents house that I grew up in. It's bittersweet. I am so happy for them! The new house will be beautiful. My cousins are coming this year! And the Chef will be there. It will be so fun to celebrate this year.
Next weekend I'll be traveling to Columbia again. It has pretty much been back and forth on those highways about every two weeks since May. I'm hoping this will be the last trip for a while - not because I don't love Columbia but because I think it is ahem, someone else's turn. Scott is GRADUATING! I am so proud, happy and excited for him. For us - two college graduates. Whoo! And he is going to be such a great graduate. I mean, he already has two jobs lined up! Who cares if he has already been working at them since...well a long time...at least he has a job(s)! And then to Denver...ahhh that's a drive I don't want to think about.
Okay. Fingers are tired. Happy weekend!