let me start at the beginning.
yesterday, i made the trek to columbia to see my good friends get married this weekend. it was a long, beautiful drive. i don't think i've ever really paid attention to the scenery when i made the drives before. i saw so many interesting things - lots of stray cats and a chicken walking down the middle of the road. no joke! a chicken.
anyway, i made the trek without stopping. i think it was also the first time i've done that! i'm very paranoid about running out of gas (it stems from my childhood - let's just say we almost ran out of gas in the mountains of tucson. there were coyotes.) it was pretty exhilarating flying past the last 'good' gas station (and by flying i mean going the speed limit, of course) and letting whatever happens happen.
so i made it and went straight to my friend jessi's apartment where we immediately started drinking wine. i hadn't seen jessi since moving back to iowa in october, so we had a lot to catch up on! it was so nice to see her and spend some quality time with her! after we each had two glasses of wine, we went to meet my friends jeremy & v for dinner at the local brewery - my fav- flatbranch. it was so nice to drink green chile beer! fresh green chile beer!
(this story so far sounds like i'm an alcoholic, which i'm not, promise. i just like wine and green chile beer.)
it was a nice night out. we had a lot of fun, laughed a lot and fell in love with a mizzou wrestler. well, at least jeremy did. and at the end, jessi and i took stripes home. which was the best part. because stripes is technically for undergrads who are underage, i think. i think that's why they invented it.
the point of this story is coming, i swear.
i left jessi's this morning around 8:30 with the grand plan of going to my swanky hotel room and going back to bed. taking a shower. working out. working on my design jobs. and then going to meet jeremy & v for lunch. coming back. taking a nap. get ready for rehearsal dinner.
it sounded like the best plan ever!
let me tell you what happened instead.
the hotel was full last night. no room at the inn!
well, i'm so tired that i almost started crying. "i have crap to do! my phone is dead! i need to take a shower!" was what i wanted to yell at the smug man telling me that i couldn't check in yet.
i calmly asked what time i could come back, in his opinion.
"probably three o'clock."
"well, that is not going to work!" the voice inside my head was screaming. "okay, great, thanks!" i calmly said (out loud).
and that's why i'm here at panera. for the day, it seems like. it was the only place i could think of that would let me sit for an hour or two (i hope i don't get kicked out) and work, charge my phone, etc. until i can meet jeremy for lunch.
after lunch, i don't know what i'll do. go to target? not having any room at the end sounds like a really good reason to go to target.
the biggest problem is that this leaves me with no time for a nap.
i am just thankful that i decided to bring work with me. at least it gives me something to do!
i think after target i will call the hotel and see if there is room at the inn yet. and if there isn't....
the other problem is that i REALLY need to take a shower and get ready for the rehearsal dinner.
(on a side note, panera in columbia is apparently where the affluent people bring their kids to play.)
i hope your days go better than mine (so far!).