

even more official!

I started my job. It was exciting - I spent the day stuffing bags for our upcoming wedding shows and sitting in on bridal consultations. I graduated with one of the brides that we met with, which made me realize that I'll probably be working with a lot of past classmates. That'll be pretty fun.

I have a desk. Eventually I'll have a computer. And maybe the most exciting, I have business cards! Don't worry - you will all be getting one.

Yesterday was my first wedding show in Iowa. It was in the enormous town of Tama in the Meskawki Hotel. I think that was the longest I've ever spent in "rural" Iowa (and probably what most of Missouri friends picture when I tell them I'm from Iowa). It was fun to meet brides and other wedding industry people. We all are crazy, we have to be, because we love weddings. It was great to meet other vendors and build those connections!

Today I had the day off. I spent it working on assembly (until I ran out of tape, I'll have to get more before work tomorrow) and design for my two best friends and future brides. Happily, the both loved what I came up with. Here's a snippet of each:

Tomorrow I go back to work for a half day. Then it's off to Columbia to visit with my mom! I'm looking forward to seeing my long lost friends!


I need this. For REAL.

In celebration of my new job, I can't help but think of moving to a new pad. Although I know it's at least one month away my mind keeps wandering to bedroom, bathroom and living decor. And I've decided that if I can afford it, I want an office. With this desk.

Kind of a funky picture, but I think it will look great with a small vase of flowers, an inspiration board above and this on top.


It's Official

(By the way, it took me about three minutes to come up with the title of the post - and that's the best I could do.)

  1. I officially live in Iowa City. I finally get to start a "real" life and start over. I need friends.
  2. I officially live in my parent's house. Their living room is a bit of a mess (and my project for tomorrow).
  3. I officially want these boots.
  4. I officially am sad that Flipping Out is over.
  5. I'm officially in a long distance relationship (so far, it's been a good decision for both of us, I'll let you know our thoughts in a month - or a week).
  6. I officially have begun on my first, independent design project & all of the paper has arrived.
  7. I officially want a dog, like more officially than before, I don't like to share one with my mom & Tom. But I do like Emma.
  8. I officially don't have to be a waitress for the rest of my life like Martin & Kaeli. (Haha, just kidding.)
  9. I officially walked a 5k & cheated. (A post on that one later.)
  10. I OFFICIALLY HAVE A FULL TIME GROWN UP REAL PERSON JOB. Thus, completing the job search and putting my stress level a little more at ease.
I feel so blessed to only go two weeks without being employed. I know in this market, it was risky to quit one without having another. I just had a good feeling about the job in Iowa. I'm so beyond excited to start & see where this opportunity takes me.

I went to the interview today, hoping that it wouldn't be a dead end. Right away, we were talking salary, benefits & 401k's. I have a great feeling about the people that I will be working with, but I am nervous about the unknown (of course). It's going to be a lot of work and a lot of quick, fast paced learning, but I know I can handle it. I'm just excited about everything!

I start Friday. That gives me two more days of watching Beverly Hills 90210 until noon and laying in bed all day. I'll begin making the money that I deserve and the responsibility that I deserve. I have a job description that doesn't include things that were never spoken of or never agreed upon. And maybe the best thing, I don't have to sell Christmas merchandise!

I will admit that it was strange to have such an exciting, huge thing happen to me and not have the Chef there to celebrate immediately. It wasn't the same just calling him and telling him. I guess that will be something that we both get used to. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, right?

I start Friday. I'm official!


6 & 0, way to go!

Whoo! What a great weekend it was! I'm so glad that the Hawks are doing so well this season, it's the first time I've been able to watch pretty much every game! I had a fabulous last weekend in Columbia thanks to my lovely friends. Friday night was out of control - and maybe the most fun I've had all year!

Today I've spent the day packing. It doesn't look like it from the place I'm sitting, but I really only have the kitchen left to pack. And then it's just on to the cleaning... I've also spent the day sneezing. And I'm running out of Kleenex!

It's been a strange experience. I didn't really feel like this apartment was a home until late July/early August. At the same time, I started desperately needing to make a change in my life, especially concerning work. It took me two months to make the decision & it's hard taking everything down from the walls. It also makes me SO look forward to a new space where I can make it feel like home more quickly. Let me tell you, it's hard to pack when you don't know when you'll be getting these things out again. I'm giving myself two months at my mom's house before I move out - and trying my darnedest to pack so that I won't be ripping open boxes in the living room. The hardest are the clothes & bags! (Imagine that, family!)

Tomorrow I'm getting up early to run some last minute errands around Columbia, finish packing my house & cleaning. It's a lot to do in one day. Wednesday Scott & I are going to Saint Louis. I'll be saying goodbye to Frank & Ruth for a while. It'll break my heart, truly. Hopefully in the coming months Scott & I can plan a fun weekend away in Saint Louis so we can see them. I am so grateful for Frank & letting us use his truck. Of course, I'm also worried that Scott won't be giving it back to him.... He is saving us a bundle on a U-Haul and just making the process of moving home a little easier.

We will also get to see Chef's little sister! I'm so excited for her, she just found out she was accepted to Mizzou & the journalism program. She and I have a lot in common, and it's been the most fun to get to know her out of all his family. She also applied to Northwestern, and secretly I'm pulling for that one not only because I would have DIED to go there (so gorgeous, beautiful and prestigious) but because I think it would totally fit her personality. Also a bit of a culture shock, but she can handle it.

After this crazy busy week, it will be nice to be home. All though I'm sure that will also be busy! I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with the brother, sister & grents! Of course, we are all coming home for one major reason: to support the Ponseti International campaign. There's still time to donate, just click here!


rain, rain go away

i am sitting in my living room, looking over my master to-do list before i move. in one week, everything that i've called home will be packed up and moved into my mom's living room. and then the apartment search will start alllll over again. ironically, i am excited and happy about this. i'm sure scott isn't, because this will be the fourth time that he has moved me in the three years that we've dated. :)

yesterday i came home to find that my dishwasher has sprung a leak. there was a long, brown-colored river going across my kitchen floor. so, of course, i called the landlord & they hurried over to fix it. the problem - not so fixed. i tried to run my dishwasher last night and the leak occurred again! ugh. but i am SO glad that i don't own this little place. because then i would have had to pay someone to do it. (more on home ownership later!)

in other news, i've filled out about 20 job applications. i think that is the worst part of finding a job in the whole world. not the interviews or going door to door. it's sitting there, filling out the same questions seven hundred times. and the most frustrating part is that you know they probably don't look at half of the things on there! ugh. i haven't heard back from anyone yet, but i'm hopeful that i'll see some results this weekend. if not, time to make some phone calls on monday!

it's raining here. it's cold and wet - but it's kind of nice. i enjoy listening to the rain for the first day - after that i'm ready for it to stop! i'm also drinking my first cup of cider for the's so delish! fall is a great season. :)

go tigers!



for two years, my grandpa (my hero) has been traveling to africa to help children with club foot.
he teaches doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals how to use the ponseti method,
a non-surgecial procedure developed at the university of iowa by doctor ignacio ponseti.
the procedure is uses a serious of casts and is very effective -
he has helped children around the world learn how to walk, dance, jump and play as a 'normal' child could.

in two weeks, my family & i will be participating in a walk to raise
money so that these teachings can continue. it is of course, very close to my heart and something my family is very passionate about.
after the adult 5k race, the children that the ponseti method has helped will walk.
at the end of the walk, dr. ponseti and his wife will be waiting - and the children that he has helped will walk to him.
it will be a beautiful event.

for information on how you can help my family &
the doctors helping children around the world, please visit
anything that you can offer will help improve lives of children.


on a less serious note, i'm in iowa this weekend. it's freezing.
it's hard to find motivation to find a job when you're freezing and it's pouring.
i'm currently wearing two pairs of socks. my mom & i put a down blanket on my bed.
but it's wonderful to be here.


moving day.

well, it's officially time. this evening i started going through clothes (actually eliminating some of my 'college wardrobe) and getting the apartment ready to be shown. the landlord has an appointment tomorrow afternoon & i have everything crossed that can be crossed that it works out.

tonight i'm also watching grey's anatomy and private practice. according to me, two of the best shows EVER. grey's this season reminds me a lot of the very first season. each episode (well, the past two) have been an emotional roller coaster that left me wanting more - rather than last year when izzie saw dead people and it was WAY to strange. private practice has only been on for 12 minutes so far, but it has been an excellent 12 minutes.

tomorrow i'm going home. yay! i think that i'll be able to watch hawkeye football with some other hawkeyes. and my goal is to leave with two jobs. we'll see how that goes. i'm busy packing up some things so that my apartment appears big, which i think it is anyway, and sorting through summer clothes. the jetta will be full!

i'm also hoping to go shopping - but not buy anything because moving is expensive & i still got bills to pay! i am going in search of the perfect boots for this fall. i eventually want three pairs, but you know this girl ain't got dollars! and the perfect boot is hard to find.

p.s. shout out to my lovely co-worker natalie! she gave me this lovely photo. i will miss her a lot when i move back. for more of her photography, visit her blog!