Today I've spent the day packing. It doesn't look like it from the place I'm sitting, but I really only have the kitchen left to pack. And then it's just on to the cleaning... I've also spent the day sneezing. And I'm running out of Kleenex!
It's been a strange experience. I didn't really feel like this apartment was a home until late July/early August. At the same time, I started desperately needing to make a change in my life, especially concerning work. It took me two months to make the decision & it's hard taking everything down from the walls. It also makes me SO look forward to a new space where I can make it feel like home more quickly. Let me tell you, it's hard to pack when you don't know when you'll be getting these things out again. I'm giving myself two months at my mom's house before I move out - and trying my darnedest to pack so that I won't be ripping open boxes in the living room. The hardest are the clothes & bags! (Imagine that, family!)
Tomorrow I'm getting up early to run some last minute errands around Columbia, finish packing my house & cleaning. It's a lot to do in one day. Wednesday Scott & I are going to Saint Louis. I'll be saying goodbye to Frank & Ruth for a while. It'll break my heart, truly. Hopefully in the coming months Scott & I can plan a fun weekend away in Saint Louis so we can see them. I am so grateful for Frank & letting us use his truck. Of course, I'm also worried that Scott won't be giving it back to him.... He is saving us a bundle on a U-Haul and just making the process of moving home a little easier.
We will also get to see Chef's little sister! I'm so excited for her, she just found out she was accepted to Mizzou & the journalism program. She and I have a lot in common, and it's been the most fun to get to know her out of all his family. She also applied to Northwestern, and secretly I'm pulling for that one not only because I would have DIED to go there (so gorgeous, beautiful and prestigious) but because I think it would totally fit her personality. Also a bit of a culture shock, but she can handle it.
After this crazy busy week, it will be nice to be home. All though I'm sure that will also be busy! I'm looking forward to spending some quality time with the brother, sister & grents! Of course, we are all coming home for one major reason: to support the Ponseti International campaign. There's still time to donate, just click here!
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