

i've spent most of the week alternating between my greatest music love - dashboard confessional - and country.  the two genres don't exactly go together, but i'm finding so much peace and comfort in them i just don't care.

for those of you that were worried about my insomniac problems - i think i'm over the hump and will begin to function at a normal frequency and schedule this week.  i will hopefully kick my whoppers/chips and salsa/popcorn diet and return to chicken, broccoli and assorted other healthy options.  my goal for this week is to make myself like cottage cheese.  we'll see.

it's a rainy day and that translates into a quiet, productive day at the studio.  i'm working on helping a friend brand her bakery business, hawkeye shirt designs and re-branding our ZW things.  hopefully i'll get a lot done and won't feel bad when i don't attempt coming to the office on monday.  i do, however, wish i was still at home cozy in my bed watching a movie and drinking hot chocolate.  my house is coming back from the crazy, messy house that it was and becoming a beautiful home again.  on the agenda for tomorrow?  laundry, a deep scrub to the whole house and family dinner.

with all the branding i've been working on, it of course makes my mind wander to my own brand.  when i left the new york stationery show i had a huge goal of taking my own line to the show this year - now that i know that would mean i would really turn into an insomniac during wedding season in order to get all of that together, which means i won't be pushing myself to get it done this year.  but it is my goal to launch the brand in the next three years.  i need to take the opportunities that i have here in the ic to go back to school and keep learning about paper & the joy of stationery at the center for the book.  i need to learn more about letterpress.  and i should probably take some business classes.

instead of focusing on my regrets of moving home & the people that i left behind, i need to remind myself why i did move here and how much happier i have been since doing so. i can't control anyone's destiny beyond my own.  yes, i do worry and care about the people down in mo - but they don't define me and i don't define them.  i can cry and pray for them, but ultimately they have to want to change for themselves - not the other way around.  as much as i want to shake people into reality and out of their pretend world they've created for themselves, i can't.

dashboard confessional is probably the only kind of music i can listen to all day and not get sick of because of the lyrics that relate to my life in some capacity everytime i turn them on.  last night, driving home from a wonderful evening downtown filled with good wine, good food and gelato this line struck a particular chord with me:

"all our fears fall on deaf ears tonight" - i couldn't have said it better myself.

in other news - look at these fabulous invitations

1 comment:

  1. Mike and I listened to Dashboard the entire time we unpacked yesterday. :)
