today is day 7 in the hospital. i'm crossing my fingers, toes and eyes that i'll get to go home later today. i want out of here! my whole body is screaming it and if the nurses can't hear it i'm surprised. i do have to say a big thank you to them for taking care of me - man they are good at refreshing my water at 3 am. and i'll probably miss getting my blood pressure taken. it's good to know what your vital signs are every 8 hours, i'm starting to think.
yesterday afternoon i really started to feel better. better enough that i read half of my book and plan on devouring the other half later today. better enough that i got out of my (really uncomfortable) hospital bed and sat in a chair for most of the evening. it felt like i was returning to the human race and out of zombie land.
this morning i feel the same. i told the nurses my pain scale was a 'zero' and everyone is very excited for me. fingers crossed that it doesn't change. the one thing about this headache is that it has gotten better and then gotten worse again. i'm hopeful that it will stay the same until after rounds so i can finally go. home.
it also helps that my last treatment was about 10 hours ago. the drugged feeling was the worst! i felt tired and lethargic. i felt like i didn't care about anything (especially food, especially strange for me...) and i didn't like it at all. i don't know why anyone would get addicted to that feeling - which i guess is a good sign, right mom?
the thing i'm most excited for? getting this stupid iv out of my hand. it's itchy and sore. i am grateful for the relief it gave me from my headache. but it's time for it to go! i have really beautiful bruises all over my arms from the needles poking me - reminders of how awful my headache was when i first got here. (a nine on the pain scale, if you are wondering.) i am also excited to return to my beautiful home and curl up in front of my fire place.
here's another gem from anthropologie. i hope it will make an appearance in my closet sometime soon.

i think i can officially cross "hospital stay" off my bucket list of life experiences. not that i really wanted to be here. and i hope i don't need to come back for a very long time.
So glad you're home! That must have been awful. Let's talk soon - okay?