

toothless. and excited.

well, yesterday i enjoyed the long overdue task of getting my wisdom teeth out. yesterday was fine, i could talk & eat and thought things would only get better. today, i'm in a lot of pain and wishing i could just sleep all day. (which i truly have.) in between my naps i watch tv and check the always exciting internet...and try not to think about work. i thought i would be able to get some things accomplished, but haven't which will make for a very busy tomorrow.

in between my medication-induced naps, my mind wanders to home decor. it is inevitable that i will soon have my own space to decorate and fill and i find myself going to online shops like pottery barn, ikea and crate&barrel rather than my usual j. crew, gap and nordstroms for an online shopping fix. the idea of buying myself a beautiful desk, wall decor, bookshelves and a couch is SO exciting is & is definitely putting my desire for shoes, clothes and handbags (gasp!) on hold. saving for something that is a little more long term is making my shopping addiction come to a halt & i think remembering buying my first 'grown-up' bed will mean a little more than a new kate spade. (i never thought i would hear those words come out of my mouth!)

last weekend the chef came to visit. it was so nice to spend the time with him. long-distance is by no means easy, but i do think it is making our relationship stronger. it's forcing us to talk about what we each want out of the relationship, both long-term and short-term. i am so excited for him - he has grown up a lot since he graduated in december! trust me, i am excited about this. we were talking a lot about what we want - and both decided that he needs to go to school in august. now the question is where. denver is his number one choice, but he is also open to some other options (some a little closer like chicago or minneapolis & some farther like charlotte). this new chapter will be very exciting for him...i can't wait to see what it brings.

during his visit, he also told me about he & his closet friends making a list of 25 things that they want to do before they turn 33 (or in ten years). it has inspired me to make my own list, which i am working on and will share with you toward the end of the week.

i also got to visit my beautiful baby sister at school. her new dorm room is great. i am so proud of her and seeing how much she has loved school so far!

here is what the rest of my week looks like:
tomorrow: physical therapy. hooray, my knee may actually start to heal! back to work to catch up on the 20+ emails i've gotten since leaving the shop on saturday.

thursday: a secret meeting, details to come following.

friday: work, work, work. i am sure that the rest of this week will mean long hours. it's good for me though. i am so blessed & thankful to have my job that i don't mind.

saturday: consultations @ the studio. (which, by the way looks totally different. pictures to come on our blog this week!) followed by going to look at future grown-up places to live.

whew! i'm already tired just thinking about it. another post on thursday, my loves!

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