

moving day.

well, it's officially time. this evening i started going through clothes (actually eliminating some of my 'college wardrobe) and getting the apartment ready to be shown. the landlord has an appointment tomorrow afternoon & i have everything crossed that can be crossed that it works out.

tonight i'm also watching grey's anatomy and private practice. according to me, two of the best shows EVER. grey's this season reminds me a lot of the very first season. each episode (well, the past two) have been an emotional roller coaster that left me wanting more - rather than last year when izzie saw dead people and it was WAY to strange. private practice has only been on for 12 minutes so far, but it has been an excellent 12 minutes.

tomorrow i'm going home. yay! i think that i'll be able to watch hawkeye football with some other hawkeyes. and my goal is to leave with two jobs. we'll see how that goes. i'm busy packing up some things so that my apartment appears big, which i think it is anyway, and sorting through summer clothes. the jetta will be full!

i'm also hoping to go shopping - but not buy anything because moving is expensive & i still got bills to pay! i am going in search of the perfect boots for this fall. i eventually want three pairs, but you know this girl ain't got dollars! and the perfect boot is hard to find.

p.s. shout out to my lovely co-worker natalie! she gave me this lovely photo. i will miss her a lot when i move back. for more of her photography, visit her blog!


  1. aww! thanks, monica!
    i'm really happy you liked your print!
    & good luck on sorting out the clothing. i did that this summer & constantly found myself going back to the box & grabbing stuff that i planned on donating, thinking "oh, i might need this later!" haha!

  2. I hate moving!

    Good luck, you'll enjoy the change.
